Rick Sovitzky leads a dynamic team of accountants and data analysts providing outsourced accounting and advisory services to customers.
The team provides timely and easy-to-understand operating and financial information to drive business decisions. Team members have strong experience in manufacturing but service customers in many other industry segments and non-profits.  Cleaning up accounting ‘messes,’ automating processes through low code/no code solutions, using modern tools to visually tell meaningful financial and operational stories, and collaborating on dynamic financial forecasts are examples of services that Rick and his team enjoy providing customers. Helping business owners increase profits is particularly rewarding by ‘digging into the details’: understanding cost drivers, efficiencies/inefficiencies, part/job/project/work center profitability, collaboratively setting KPI targets, and discussing results.
Rick is a C.P.A. with a master’s degree in IT Management (formerly known as Management Information Systems). He lives in Milwaukee and is a father of eight. Interests include all things international: mission, travel and business; windsurfing, cycling, running, and cross-country skiing.

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