Firkin Craft Beer and Firkin Festivals Sound A Bit On The Fringe. Are they?
Not at all. Firkin craft beer is a flavorful ale sought after by craft beer enthusiasts. Firkin Festivals are friendly, safe events for those who embrace all that is good with craft beer.
So What’s Firkin?
According to Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary the definition of firkin is 1: a small wooden vessel or cask, 2: any of various British units of capacity usually equal to 1⁄4 barrel. Furthermore according to Oxford, the origin of FIRKIN: ‘Middle English, ultimately from Middle Dutch veerdel fourth, from veer four; akin to Old English fēower.’
In the context of craft beer brewing Firkin is cask conditioned ale. Unlike big brewery brands, Firkin ale isn’t subjected to additional post fermentation filtering, carbonation and pasteurization steps. In the final stage of brewing all ingredients are placed into the cask and then sealed until tapped for consumption. During this period the Firkin ale slowly reaches an optimum state of flavor, color, alcohol level, and natural carbonation.
When the cask is eventually tapped Firkin ale often contains the remnant of recent yeast in the beer, adding a dimension, some liken to a living beer. The taste profile is also softer having more subtlety of flavor with many flavor notes when served at peak condition.
How is Firkin Ale Brewed?
Brewing of Firkin ale is a two stage process.
In Stage 1, wort, which is cooked hops, barley and water, is combined with yeast. Primary fermentation occurs until the yeast and natural sugar is consumed.
The magic of Firkin occurs in Stage 2 brewing. The brewmeister at his or her discretion selectively adds a variety of flavorful natural ingredients to the partially brewed wort. The combination of ingredients will result in a truly unique and pleasing taste profile. More yeast is added and the wort is sealed in a Firkin cask.
Once sealed the mixture undergoes further transformation as the secondary yeast fermentation process goes to near completion. When the brewmeister determines the beer it at its optimal condition, the cask is opened and finished Firkin can be enjoyed. It will be served at approximately 55 degrees Fahrenheit, which allows the subtle flavor characteristics of the ale to be fully discerned and appreciated by the consumer.
What goes on at Firkin Festivals?
It’s a craft beer lovers festival…a celebration of craft beer. Firkin festivals draw craft beer enthusiasts from all walks of life and adult ages.
Aficionados arrive with the expectation of sampling a variety of great craft beer. Many arrive early, gathering around the booths of their favorite brewer, awaiting the tapping of the first cask of Firkin and savoring this year’s limited release.
While sampling Firkin ale, attendees and exhibitors zealously engage in conversations centering on all things beer. Favorite beers at the fest, recipes, brewing techniques, food pairing, equipment considerations and the business of beer making are common topics. Great food and live music enhances the beer tasting experience. For a day the collective craft beer community exalts the simple pleasure of great craft beer.
Where are Firkin Festivals Held?
Firkin festivals occur throughout all regions of the United States. Gettysburg, Chicago, Minneapolis, Kansas City, Austin, Berkeley and Portland are some of the cities hosting Firkin festivals in 2015. As the popularity of Firkin ale and craft beer in general continues to grow, so will the popularity of Firkin festivals grow.
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